Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Commencement of Random Wednesday

I have this friend that has for the past two weeks taken me and my roommate out for sushi.  We call it "girls' night."  Cliché, I know.  Basically, my point is I'm full of fish right now.  :)

Martha Stewart's birthday was Monday.  I hope you all told her to have a good one.  I did.

I have vegetarian stickers on this old trunk in my room, and I haven't been vegetarian for two months.  Hello hypocrisy.

Today for you, tomorrow for me.  Not just a song from RENT about a transgendered hit(wo)man, also a valuable lesson about charity.

Speaking of transgendered hit(wo)men, what is mercurochrome? 

Does anyone own an 8-track player?  For some reason, I own an 8-track of Godspell.

Not only do I collect flamingos, but also poorly drawn dinosaurs.  Cutie patooties!

In my defense, when I began this is was Wednesday.  It is now Thursday.

Why did the toast grab his Neanderthal?  

1 comment:

sarah said...

tony i missed you!!!!!!!!!!

lmfao at martha`s birthday

you are a hoot , my friend xxxx