Sunday, March 15, 2009


I have to blog today because one day when millions of people are following my blog, they will ask, "Why do you only blog once every month?" And I will say, "Because no one was listening."  Then they will say, "So?  Do you blog purely for the enjoyment of others?"  And I'll ferociously reply, "I guess you're right."  Then they'll say, "Why did you say that ferociously?"

So I've worked early mornings all week.  And I'm totes excited 'cause I'm done for two whole days.  I need some time off.  My Virginia Beach Vacation couldn't come any sooner.  VBV is capital because it's really important.  Duh.

I'm currently sitting in my room procrastinating.  I should be laundering and driving to pick up my friend, Lizard.  Instead, I blog.

Topic?  Elephants.  I need to find a gift that is relative to an elephant.  I was thinking a trunk like a big box, but that takes up a lot of room, and who wants a box, really?  So, maybe a real elephant.  Expensive, but worth it.  Elephants are maternal and wise.    ...    I don't know.  I'll probably just get some replica of an elephant.  Like a metal one or a stuffed one.  IDEAS!?!?!  If anyone reads this blog, post a comment with an idea.  Fo' reals.  Kill two birds with one stone as the old saying goes.  Although, I've never cared for killing birds, so... Don't actually kill any birds, okay?


sarah said...

i rode an elephant once back home... it was interesting

i also rode an ostrich and a camel

i`d say the camel was the best

Unknown said...

hello. yes, this is the problem with blogging. one only really feels it is worth it when people are reading it. it IS an exercise of pure vanity, but so is facebook - and look how many people use facebook?! neff. what to do.

anyway, your question: see if you can find a South African drink called 'Amarula.' Tastes very similar to Baileys Irish cream. I think it has elephants on the cover.

Anyway, cool blog btw :) and i think it's absolutely wicked that you're a starbucks barista.