Friday, August 14, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Well, today is Random Wednesday, but my internet isn't installed yet so I have to do this on a word processor and copy and paste this shit later.  And I sigh.

There's a zebra on the background of my Mac, Lucy.

I'm babysitting my mom's pet Chihuahua, Chi-Chi, this week.

I should be cleaning my house.

I've been not-so-anonymously reading the "big book" from Alcoholics Anonymous.  I've never been a drinker, but this book radiates positivity and has a very unique formula to change your life for the better.  It explicates how to change your behavior in order to change your thinking, for example in the cases of conflict and stress.  It also develops on a reliance on a "higher power."  Now, I've never been an "organized religion" type gal, but I tend to be super spiritual.  I'm really in love with the idea of an individualized, very subjective idea of "God."  For example, my God is the feelings of accomplishment, hope and serenity.  It's the Universe which guides me in my everyday life to what is right for me, not a ghost that the Catholics believe in.  Or human-like entities on a mountain like the Romans.  On the other side of the street, Gary's "God" could be a man who sits in the sky and punished lousy bitches who murder people and that's totally alright.  

This is no longer random.  Darn!  As much as I tried to make this hilarious and completely pointless, I ended up being spiritual and boring.  

My hair is in my face.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Commencement of Random Wednesday

I have this friend that has for the past two weeks taken me and my roommate out for sushi.  We call it "girls' night."  Cliché, I know.  Basically, my point is I'm full of fish right now.  :)

Martha Stewart's birthday was Monday.  I hope you all told her to have a good one.  I did.

I have vegetarian stickers on this old trunk in my room, and I haven't been vegetarian for two months.  Hello hypocrisy.

Today for you, tomorrow for me.  Not just a song from RENT about a transgendered hit(wo)man, also a valuable lesson about charity.

Speaking of transgendered hit(wo)men, what is mercurochrome? 

Does anyone own an 8-track player?  For some reason, I own an 8-track of Godspell.

Not only do I collect flamingos, but also poorly drawn dinosaurs.  Cutie patooties!

In my defense, when I began this is was Wednesday.  It is now Thursday.

Why did the toast grab his Neanderthal?  

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Post Number 27 (The One Where Everything Changes.)

So much has happened since the last time I posted a blog.  As many of you may or may not know, for six months last year I lived alone.  Then I moved back home with my 'rents to save the moolah.  Where I last left you, I was living at home about to start college for my very first time.  Now that we're all on the same page...

My first semester of school is over.  I made all A's!  And yes, that's "a" as in "apple."  So that's really exciting.  What's more exciting is that I moved out of my parents house again with one of my besties, Marissa (see above beautiful picture).  We're have so much fun living together and although money may be tight for a while, I firmly stand my belief that as long as we're doing the right thing at the right time, the Universe will take care of us.  As a professor of mine said last semester about following your dreams, "The rent will always be paid."  We're both getting educated, being happy and remaining positive no matter what.  That's the ingredients to successful lives.  

School will be starting up again in a few weeks.  This time I'm in a Spanish class which I'm really excited about ("about which I'm really excited" is more grammatically correct, but it sounds really lame on a blog-type platform).  I haven't had a Spanish class in almost two years but in high school I took three years and I visited Spain, so I can't wait!!!!  Me gusta.

Oh!  I didn't mention our other roommates.  Marissa has two cockatiels whom I love dearly:  Peanut and Pearl.  I'll put up pictures really soon.  Peanut is really friendly and likes to talk.  Pearl is a little antsy in social situations, but he's beginning to come out of his shell, colloquially speaking.  

Moral of this story:  Do what the fuck you want and as long as you remain positive, you'll get to share a home with a lovely friend and two amazing birds.  

Monday, July 6, 2009

As I wait to go back in to a lecture, I wonder...  Why hasn't someone changed this garbage can yet?  It's overflowing.

The much anticipated blog is finally here!  (As long as I can finish it in 15 minutes.)  So my life lately, 20 hours per week in class and 30 at work.  Welcome to the life of a normal person, Tony.  How are you enjoying your stay?  Fine, thank you.

I went to Virginia Beach last weekend and had a blast!  It's a 20 hour round trip by car, so I got lots of practice driving.  We stayed in a semi-shoddy hotel about 10 miles from the beach and the "strip" which consisted of 10 blocks of identical souvenir shops.  Overall, it was a fantastic trip.  I quite enjoyed myself.

Who's going with me on my next vacation?  I vote this weekend.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ah! (Screams)

Abandonment can suck for a blog.  Especially mine.  Sorry, loyal followers.

The cause for this rude abandonment is school.  Blame it on college.  My classes are long; the work is superabundant; and the professors are amazing.  I want to impress them so badly that my blogging has taken a hit.  They are really kind so far and I can see myself really enjoying these classes.  But sacrifices were made.  =(

This aside, I turned 19 the other day.  I had a really good birthday this year.  It makes me super grateful for my friends and family.  

Much more grief-inducing, Sylvester, my friend and cactus, died.  The cause of death is unknown although he was really soggy feeling so I think he was over hydrated because of the HUMID Georgia weather.  It was really sad.  I buried him in the kitchen trash can under a banana peel.  And wrote R.I.P. on the pot that had his name on it.  My other friends and cacti are inside now.  This is a huge, much uglier version of Sylvester.  He was the size of a golf ball.

Let's see...  Interesting things...  

I bought some new body wash today.  It smells like oatmeal.  I'm really excited to use it.

OH!!!  I just had an idea.  I think on every entry, I'm going to choose a completely random, yet relevant news story and give you my take on it.  Today's news story.  The FDA is trying to regulate tobacco companies more.  They're trying to add more graphics about the danger of smoking to the packages, more strictly regulate the advertisement of cigarettes, and even the ingredients of cigarettes, such as nicotine and various other cancerous chemicals.  Even as a smoker, I am all for this.  The companies may make the prices higher to account for these changes, but for the benefit of the young people.  I was of legal age when I began smoking, but many children today are as young as 10 and smoking like chimneys.  But, do I believe that less advertisements are going to reduce this?  I don't actually know.  As a kid in school, I was barraged with information about the harms of smoking.  It didn't really stop me, so who knows.  We'll see, I guess.  What do you think?

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Grocery List May 31, 2009

Why is my nose so brown in this picture?  Weird.

-Brilliant Brunette Hair Conditioner
-Notebooks and Folders
-White Poster Board
-Green Tea
-Scented Candle and/or Incense 

Friday, May 29, 2009

I registered for classes today and I'm more excited than anyone could ever be excited to go to school.  Or should be, rather.  I have really cool classes too!  English, Political Science and an introductory class to Theatre.  Oh, and a math to counterbalance the awesomeness.  Yuck.

I start on Monday.  I'll be at school from 7:30am-8:00pm on Mondays and Wednesdays.  That's a long time, folks.

I've noticed lately that *a lot* of blogs have themes.  For example:  foods, travel, culture, basically anything that's a section in the newspaper.  It probably helps with keeping a scatter-brained person (me) on one topic as opposed to my posts which ramble on about 28 different things in five or so paragraphs.  I wonder if I should adopt a theme.  I don't really have an expertise in anything except maybe procrastination and Oreos.  I can't cook.  I can't really afford to travel.

My theme is my life.  Comprehensive and liberating.  This post reminds me of my previous post about finding my "walk of life."  Which, by the way, I still walk down way to many paths to choose.  

I bought this really cool suitcase at a thrift store the other day for $5.  It's kick ass.  The lighting is awful; it's actually a really pretty sky blue color.